Friday, May 9, 2014

Tig Notaro cancer scam controversy

Lost of keywords with promising search terms. Lately, "Tig Notaro cancer scam controversy," being the most constant.The hordes of readers (yes, enough to call it a horde,yo)end up at this link.

  Might as well help the curious out with their googling by labeling this post with specific search terms.

If they find themselves here, I hope they read this.

 And, I hope after reading that they realize that a person who undergoes a double mastectomy - doesn't require a bra for some obvious breasts. She filmed the "Mortified Sessions" for IFC AFTER her double mastectomy and yet there she is sporting a pair of bazooms.

Then, I learn that just when the heat is heating up, she does some cancer show sponsored by Livestrong. Not one donation to cancer charities. Not one cancer related show for Koman or the American Cancer Society or the tons of cancer foundations out there.  Not one function attended where cancer was any theme. Just when she might have to finally face the music she slips in some cancer thing called Rev 2014.

Here's a circumstantial bit of strangeness about her relationship to Livestrong via Lance Armstrong( a crony of Nick Kroll's wouldn't you know.)

And, few can yet understand how big a role Nick Kroll has in all these cynical/evil ploys and schemes. In short, he's the one who made her vicious stalking scam, kickstarter scam, and cancer scam possible, and even highly profitable. It is my strong belief that he is the brains behind her insane choices. She had the spite and the socioapthy and he had the sociopathy and the astounding ability to hook her up with the "right people."

 She knew from as early as April 7th 2008 that she could smirk and strut as she began a series of devastating false accusations, and she rightfully guessed that she'd get away with it as long as Nick Kroll was by her side.  It took me over five years to figure that one out but wow once I did... WOW. SOS. OMG.

I'm still working on how he set her up with the hype, and then the press, for the cancer scam on the evening, of the purported, "legendary cancer set."  He is a good friend to have. If  you don't get caught, that is.

The part about the planted press is ending up to be some opus of press cynicism and decay. OY VAY VAY VAY. Basically, from start to now all the press Tig Notaro got for that Largo set was manufactured and manipulated. None of the commentary was genuine. None of the praise and adulation was the real deal. It was a big fat fraud, in other words.

Now, I even found out that Lynn and Jules Kroll funded a "documentary" where Notaor and Kroll were so cynical that now she was going to sell herself with promises of a battle with cancer and a baby!

I didn't sign up for this kind of existential investigative blogging, but what are you going to do when you were so so screwed by these two( and those they enlisted with hard to refuse incentives) and it then takes on much more Universal meaning. It's both personal and Universal, at this point. They didn't just screw me they screw many more people, and there is mounting evidence that their rapacious desire for fame led to the death of a brave cop named Jacqueline Montalvo. That claim is so sinister and so strange that it would immediately make anyone suspect.... but when time and energy permits that part will become clear and convinciing.

 It feels like some kind of divinely inspired dot connection, all this, frankly, but that sounds too nutty and frankish, so just ignore that for now :>)

The stalking scheme/scam/ true evil parts and the  press angle still needs more time... but in the meantime... This does give an idea as to how Notaro was able to get way with so much, and extra googling on your part can only cement the veracity of the claims I've made against Nick Kroll and his grisly accomplice, Tig Notaro

Claims that on their face seem far out. And, they are far out but they are all grounded in facts that can be googled. 

As long as that piece is- it's not the half of it. It's not exhaustive in the least, unfortunately.The depth of this rabbit hole requires a few good book length treatments to do it justice.

OK,then.Have a lovely day.

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