This is what obscure, but desperate for fame at all costs, Stef Willen, recently wrote about herself on her own blog/website
Stef Willen is a writer, editor, and artist who always thought she’d be a paleontologist. At age 14 she discovered a 140 million-year-old egg from what was suspected to be a Nodosaur, making it
Note: Stephanie or "Stef" Willen does not contribute regularly to anything. She won a contest by fraud and did not write regularly for Mcsweeneys since that contest. Google it for yourself.She won a McSweeney's column strictly due to Nick Kroll and Tig Notaro rigging it for her. Same for her LA press award based on the same deal with Nick Kroll, and with the help of a dirtbag windbag named Amy Alkon. Multi award winning? She won one fake bought off award. Kroll also got her EM and it was the worst movie evah. The only gig Stef Willen might have gotten on her own is "Long Ago" where she played a forlorn butch lesbian with a rat tail, poorly. Which is sad in many ways. I highly doubt now that Stef Willen even graduated college. She's one of those pathological liars who lies with agenda, or with no agenda. She enjoys lying. Paleontoligist? Keep reading...
Ms. Willen's Bio a few years ago when a Nick Kroll scored her a role in a very bad movie wherein she played a mental case(poorly again) named EM whose real name was Amanda.
Stef Willen - Amanda "Em" Helms
Note: What many short films? Google and see she was in one short film that doesn't even show up. One called "Long Ago" that she told me she hated with a passion and was humiliated by. Now, it's anthropology, \eh?
She took one acting class and how fun she just went to LA to be an actress, or this version... I would bet anything she never found any dinosaur egg. She's bad egg, and as crazy as it gets. Will Katie Shea Boutillier of the Donal Maas agency really want non fiction from this maniac?
Upcoming: Other impossible to explain away ( and much more serious) lies of Stef Willen of Boulder Colorado( I do believe it's possible she was born in Boulder but that's it, truthwise)
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