Tig Notaro would tell Entertainment Weekly, and Time, and a few other outlets that she woke up on August 4th to what then Lily Rothberg of Time Magazine, would describe as "instant fame"
Terry Gross and Ira Glass would play along, and seek to explain to the skeptical that Louis CK's tweet is what prompted a groundswell of press. Press that seemed to appear as "sponsored content." These were not real articles, but clear cut promotions disguised as journalism i.e Go download this Louis CK approved tape. If Louis CK has blessed the set of this obscure comedian, than you know you can part with five bucks.
And, hey Tig Notaro promises to donate "most of the money to cancer related charities." Part with that five bucks, or you are a heartless bastard etc.
Cancer related charities? Hmmm, related to cancer as some uncle? A cousin of cancer charity? Can I get a name?
Note: To this date the only cancer or cancer related charity she has donated to is herself, and she now is promising proceeds of her failed Bentzen Ball fiasco to gay charities. Wouldn't you think that she'd want to give proceeds to cancer charities still? I mean, she was so lucky that she now told Peter Holmes that she is "so happy I had cancer."
Notaro in her usual repulsive fashion described the noon after the set, in this way:
Deborah Vankin of L.A times via Notaro: The set sparked an immediate, almost manic degree of interest in the comedian. But Notaro, who isn't on Twitter and says she doesn't read blogs, was unaware she was going viral. After the show, she went to bed. She woke up. And then she was famous.
"My phone didn't stop bleeping. I thought there'd been a natural disaster," she says. "I was so confused. There were literally hundreds of emails — from friends, fans, strangers, book deal offers. I woke up to a whole different world."
Yet, this too isn’t true. Louis CK did not
tweet it that night. He tweeted it at 2.19 PM the afternoon, after.
This article has the tweet at 5:19 P.M but likely that’s
Eastern Standard Time. For Notaro’s
story of awakening like a feirie princess to be true the facts must be adjusted
to create the impression of a nightlong tweeting frenzy.
Louis C.K.Verified

in 27 years doing this, I've seen a
handful of truly great, masterful standup sets. One was Tig Notaro last night
at Largo.
PM - 4 Aug 12
Louis C.K.Verified account @louisck
And this article has it at 5:19 Eastern
Then, something very strange can be noticed
if you are have reason to not trust Notaro or the press she’d receive…
Dylan Guidino would reference Kira Hessers
blog before it was posted. By Dylan P. Gadino | August 4, 2012 at 3:42 pm
If you click on the link that he provides
you will see that
that an unknown blogger named Kira Hesser
would confidently assert that she bore witness to a “truly historical moment in comedy.”
Why would anyone make up such a story yet…
if you look you will see that Hesser had not posted the blog until August 5th
, the next day. http://flamelikeme.tumblr.com/post/28706896651/tragedy-time-comedy-but-i-dont-have-the
So what is going on here?
How was Carol Harstell of the Huffington Post, and Dylan Guidino and an assortment of comments in forums related to Notaro's cancer announcement referencing a blog that didn't yet exist for any public consumption?
Evidence strongly suggest that not only did Notaro not have cancer, but she and a few others, came up with a plan to sell her fake cancer story to the public and press so she could get enough money and love to overcome the disaster she'd made of her life up till that point.
Evidence strongly suggest that not only did Notaro not have cancer, but she and a few others, came up with a plan to sell her fake cancer story to the public and press so she could get enough money and love to overcome the disaster she'd made of her life up till that point.
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